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Turnout Services


The New Jersey Equine Clinic provides a number of professionally supervised turnout and rehabilitation services for your horse.  Whether your horse needs a brief break from training, or requires extended rehabilitation, we can create a customized program that will suit your needs and budget.


Turnout Services Include:


Pasture Turnouts Layups: A large variety of turnout options are available at the 130-acre facility of the New Jersey Equine Clinic. Large, rolling pastures with lush grass allow for free exercise while smaller round pens provide restricted turnout for horses requiring more confinement. Offering both individual and group turnout, we can accommodate horses needing a few days of rest as well as those on long term lay-up. We strive to tailor the feeding program to meet the individual needs of each horse, and special diets may be arranged as needed. Your horse’s health and comfort are monitored closely with the advantage of access to immediate, on-site veterinary care.


Post Operative Rehabilitation: The New Jersey Equine Clinic provides for all the post-operative needs of our patients, ranging from the short-term administration of medications and bandaging care through long-term stall rest, hand-walking, and pasture turnout. Every horse receives daily, hands-on evaluation by a licensed veterinarian so that even the smallest change in condition is noticed and addressed immediately. The healing process is monitored by serial radiography, ultrasonography, or video endoscopy as indicated so that every horse receives the appropriate care to optimize their successful return to peak performance. Since rehabilitation options such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, extracorporeal shockwave, and biological and/or intralesional treatments are available on-site, patients housed at the clinic for their convalescent period are treated without the undue stress of repeated transportation to and from the clinic between treatments. Whether your horse requires a few days of intensive management or months of rehabilitation, we will provide the monitoring they need and the quality care they deserve.


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